Revenue Operations: A Game-Changer for B2B Marketers

Revenue operations is no doubt among the hottest trends in B2B marketing. Look at Twitter, for example, and you’ll see the hashtag #revops popping up more and more frequently. So why has revenue ops continued to gain popularity and traction by the day, and how can marketers reap its benefits?

First, what is revenue ops?

Before we dive into the impact that revenue ops is having on Marketing, let’s back up and examine what it really means to have a revenue operations team in your company.

Although the concept of revenue operations is fairly new, it is by no means a new function. It’s the alignment of existing business functions—Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success—into one team that is driven by a single goal: growing revenue.

The traditional organization model divides teams by business function, governed by respective departments, such as Sales Ops, Marketing Ops, and Business Ops. Each team brings to revenue ops its own unique incentives, priorities, and challenges, which might not always align with the others’. On the occasions that those goals do overlap, each team may still have its own approach toward a solution based on different perspectives and expertise.

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