Nieuws over marketing

Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.

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What Makes a Great ‘About Us’ Page [Infographic] de Redactie

All too often, the “About Us” page of a website is brushed aside, filled with a block of text about the company’s history, and left to grow stale. Big mistake. Because aside from representing your brand, the “About Us” page can also help drive customers to purchase, say the folks at Siege Media. They created a …

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What to think about when pricing a product de Redactie

“Of all the words associated with marketing, the one we should focus on the most is value. This is because when you boil down what we as marketers do, it is about creating, generating, communicating and then harvesting value.” Those are the words of Professor Mark Ritson, leader of Marketing Week’s Mini MBA in Marketing. But …

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Mark Ritson: Only crap marketers mistake stereotypes for segments de Redactie

There has always been a very uncomfortable proximity between segments and stereotypes. The only difference is data. If I say that women like pink and men like blue I am a sexist moron. But if I have a survey of a representative sample of the British public that shows a statistically significant skew of female …

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Five Ways Your Own Employees Can Boost Your Marketing Content de Redactie

Imagine you just invested a lot of time and resources in your next content masterpiece. You did third-party research, interviewed industry experts, carefully crafted the copy with your target persona in mind, and pulled out all the stops to design a visually compelling piece. You then released it into the wild through all your Web …

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Kostenreducties in marketing: fabrikanten gaan over op ‘zero based budgetting’ aanpak de Redactie

P&G bezuinigt $100 miljoen op digitale marketing (en zegt dat niet te merken in de verkopen) en Unilever brengt zijn marketinginspanningen met 30 procent terug. Een harde klap voor marketeers, of hoort het gewoon bij de volwassenwording van digitaal? We vroegen het enkele marktkenners en spelers. De economie trekt aan, de werkeloosheid daalt, consumenten lopen …

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Why young marketers are taking a different route to the top de Redactie

It has arguably never been a more exciting time to build a career in marketing. It is fast-paced and continually evolving, creating numerous opportunities to progress. But a recent report shows that when it comes to advancing into the top roles internally, there is a big chance you could be overlooked. During the first half …

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The big debate: Is CMO succession in crisis? de Redactie

With brands increasingly looking to external candidates to fill CMO vacancies, how many marketers are waiting for a promotion that will never come and how can they ensure they don’t get left on the shelf? When appointing a new marketing leader, boards and CEOs must weigh up whether the skills they need exist within the …

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Ritson and Sharp: what is wrong with the way today’s marketers are trained de Redactie

Marketing Week asked two of the leading marketing thinkers, professors Mark Ritson and Byron Sharp, who they admire most in the world of business and what is wrong with the way today’s marketers are trained. Which marketing company do you most admire and why? Ritson: P&G. It was so far ahead of everyone else in creating …

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Managementmythe van de maand: online marketing de Redactie

Alles zou veranderen: meer interactie tussen klant en merk, lagere kosten en meer resultaat. Online marketing zou alles veranderen: meer interactie tussen klant en merk, lagere kosten en meer resultaat. Die claim is de managementmythe van deze maand. Mythe 1. Online marketing zorgt voor ‘social interaction’ in plaats van schreeuwerige advertenties Marketinggoeroe Seth Godin wist …

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