Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.
Marketers do not lack the skills needed to work agency side but few make the transition, with loss of control and lower pay cited as two of the main concerns. However, those that make the move have the power to change agency relationships for the better. Today, it’s not unusual for marketers to have worked agency-side at some …
Leslie Hoogeveen en Don van Arem van Knab hebben om goede redenen moeten afzien van hun aangekondigde presentatie op de NIMA Marketing Day. In hun plaats zullen de neuromarketeers van Neurensics een presentatie verzorgen in de Track The Customer. Voorwaar een mooi en beetje onverwacht gastoptreden van NIMA hofleverancier voor insights over de brains achter …
Adding podcasts to your marketing strategy can mean that you’re creating a podcast to draw listeners, or it can mean that you’re advertising on other people’s podcasts. Whichever way you incorporate podcasting into your strategy, the team at WebpageFX has you covered with an infographic full of stats and facts about podcasting. For instance, the …
Het internet kwam met een simpele belofte: gratis en transparante informatie voor iedereen. Als we iets willen weten, gebruiken we een zoekmachine, in Nederland is dat vrijwel altijd Google. Rondom dat zoek- en vindmodel is een enorme industrie ontstaan die leeft van het helpen van bedrijven om zo goed mogelijk gevonden te worden. Ontsluiten van …
How a 55-year friendship and intellectual partnership made marketing larger than life Sidney Levy had become fascinated with marketing. A trained behavioral scientist, he suspected that branding went beyond soap, steel and candy bars. He’d been researching the social aspects of marketing since the 1940s and saw the field’s vast potential. In 1961, he began …
A rapidly evolving media ecosystem has now reached “peak complexity” and CMOs’ priorities have shifted accordingly, with control over customer strategy and data, organisational integration, and brand safety the focus for 2020, according to a new report. Media2020: Refresh, an update on a 2015 report from media advisory firm MediaSense and UK advertiser trade body …
Almost three-quarters of senior marketers believe media measurement currencies are becoming “increasingly corrupted” and that players such as Google and Facebook have too much control. A whopping 70% of senior marketers believe media measurement currencies are becoming “increasingly corrupted”, according to the second Media2020 report by Media Sense, ISBA and IPSOS Connect. Having surveyed more …
Closer collaboration between marketing and HR is helping define brand identity and create customer-centric company culture, as well as helping to nurture and develop future leaders. As structural transformation takes hold and businesses abandon siloed working in favour of cross-functional collaboration, the relationship between marketing and HR is becoming closer than ever. Working together to drive …
Brainstorming has gotten a bad name, at least in its most commonly practiced form: A group of people with a cold start on a problem shout ideas at a whiteboard until the session recorder’s writing hand cramps up or everyone’s eyes glaze over. But brainstorming is not the only way to shake loose creative ideas …