Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.
The idea of a chief growth officer or chief customer officer is an affront to all chief marketing officers. They might as well call it chief-because-we’re-not-growing officer. Or chief-because-we’ve-lost-sight-of-the-customer officer. These roles are designed to compensate for something that’s not happening. It’s an acknowledgement that marketing isn’t working and, in the irony of ironies, marketing …
Naar aanleiding van een interview dat ik had met NU.nl’s hoofdredacteur Gert-Jaap Hoekman kreeg ik de vraag of ik ook de commerciële redactie wilde interviewen. In mijn betoog “Fuck bereik, ga voor impact” beweer ik dat je als titel beter kunt beslissen over welke commerciële samenwerkingen je aan kunt gaan als je exact weet wat je …
A new global study has suggested chief financial officers are planning on giving their backing to marketing. According to a report by American Express and Institutional Investor, which surveyed 100 of the most senior finance executives at major brands, 31% plan to increase their investment in advertising, marketing and PR over the next 12 months, …
Marketers need to consider factors such as short-termism, “hyperbolic” discounting and other principles from behavioural economics as they seek to build connections with consumers, a leading executive from FCB has argued. Matthew Willcox, Founder/Executive Director of FCB’s Institute of Decision Making, discussed this subject at the Advertising Research Foundation’s (ARF) 2017 Annual Conference. And he …
Marketers using data to inform strategy is not a novel concept. Yet the process for harnessing this information and the amount and type of data available to marketers have converged to redefine data-driven marketing in 2017. Data that is siloed by applications, teams, and legacy systems has resulted in incomplete or incongruent resources. Access to …
Marketing Week caught up with Douglas Lamont, CEO, Innocent Drinks, Leila Fataar, head of culture and entertainment at Diageo Europe and Jeremy Waite, evangelist at IBM. Each discuss what they think will be the next emerging trends in marketing, with the likes of AI and dark social both name-checked. Fataar. meanwhile, says brands can ‘up …
Door: Anja Bekkers * De bouwproductie gaat dit jaar groeien met 4,5 procent. Zowel woningbouw, utiliteitsbouw als grond-, weg- en waterbouw profiteren. Dat is goed nieuws voor Heijmans, dat het afgelopen jaar in zwaar weer kwam. Een aantal forse hoofdpijnprojecten versterkt de overtuiging dat de bouw anders kan en moet. Hoe maakte dit bedrijf de …
One of the biggest and strangest reversals in recent marketing history is taking place, unnoticed by most, in the supermarket aisles of the UK. In these fantastical days of Trump, Brexit and ad fraud, this statement might strike you as somewhat odd. But trust me, what’s going on with price promotions right now is worthy …
My cell biology degree course taught me three things: a lifetime’s worth of Simpsons quotes (do NOT get me started), ‘herbal’ cigarettes are not a career choice and advances in science come from disproved hypotheses. And although I’m not denying the transformative power of ideas, perhaps that grounding in learning-through-failure is why eulogising ‘Creativity’ as …