Nieuws over marketing

Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.

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Why the false dichotomy between adtech and martech is dysfunctional Alva van Beek

Would you agree that advertising is one facet of marketing? Yes? Okay, then advertising technology (adtech) is naturally one facet of marketing technology (martech). If you like diagrams, you can visualize adtech as a small circle contained entirely within a larger circle of martech. Adtech is a subset of martech. But for years, people have …

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why it pays to spend big on marketing Alva van Beek

Having launched and sold several successful brands including Powwownow, Andrew Pearce is turning his sights to the online greetings card market with new brand Thortful. Andrew Pearce is proud to put his money where his mouth is. A serial entrepreneur who has founded four companies, including conference call brand Powwownow, he has seen the value …

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Vice CEO: Brands investing too much in platforms, not enough in content Alva van Beek

This year’s Mobile World Congress agenda has seen a rise in talks about content but it comes at a time where advertisers have numerous platforms to choose from and Vice’s chief executive, Shane Smith, believes that there’s too much investment in the latter. He said: “If you embrace new technologies you are going to need …

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Four Visual Neuromarketing Hacks to Boost Your Branding Alva van Beek

Let’s start with a story. To analyze the effectiveness of its TV commercial storyboard, Makro, an international digital and in-store retailer, asked neuroscience research firm Neurensics to conduct an f-MRI study to determine people’s reactions. The experiments showed that the storyboard scored lower than average in effectiveness: “It activated more negative than positive emotions. In …

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Sir Martin Sorrell: Short-termism is the biggest threat to marketers Alva van Beek

WPP CEO Sir Martin Sorrell says short-termism is the biggest threat to future growth; he believes President Trump’s pro-business agenda will help solve the problem.Sir Martin Sorrell’s greatest worry and what he believes will have the greatest negative impact on future growth is short-termism. Speaking this morning (2 March) at Deloitte’s Media and Telecoms conference, the WPP boss said: “It’s not three-month-old …

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3 Museum Design Principles to Help Your Content Marketing Alva van Beek

Museum content development and content marketing have one important principle in common: creating memorable experiences. Think back to the last time you visited a museum. Did you realize that you were walking through a three-dimensional version of the user experience you’re trying to create as a content marketer? Because that’s exactly what you were doing. …

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Case: video inzetten voor het delen van gezamenlijke waarden Alva van Beek

Door Marieke Heesakkers SMP Het delen van drie zorgvideo’s, opgenomen met de meest toonaangevende architectenbureaus van Nederland, leverde Limburgia veel merkbare en ook meetbare resultaten op. Brand awareness, goodwill, 25 procent meer offerte-aanvragen, 23 procent meer verkeer naar de website, waarde(n)volle interacties op social media, maar vooral goede gesprekken. Dat het ertoe geleid heeft dat …

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L’Oréal looks to have a ‘bigger purpose than selling product’ with e-mentorship programme Alva van Beek

L’Oréal Paris is collaborating with The Prince’s Trust to launch its ‘All Worth It’ programme, an e-mentorship initiative designed to help boost young people’s self worth. The programme hopes to help 10,000 young people by “turning self-doubt into self-worth”. It is in response to figures released today (23 February) by The Prince’s Trust showing that …

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A guide for mid-career informational interviews for marketing technologists Alva van Beek

This guest post by Erica Seidel is part of a regular column she writes, Ask the Martech Recruiter. Erica runs The Connective Good, a retained executive recruiting firm that helps companies land leaders in martech, marketing, digital strategy, analytics, and market research. Dear Erica, I have 10 years of digital marketing experience and want to …

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