Nieuws over marketing

Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.

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Content marketers look for metrics Alva van Beek

Measurement is critical to content marketing with dedicated spend set to grow over the next year, according to a new study. The Measuring Effectiveness Report from the Content Marketing Association (CMA) was conducted with senior level marketers among the CMA membership of over 40 companies, along with those at major brands such as Sainsbury’s Bank, …

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NIMA e-book Internal Branding Alva van Beek

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Welkom bij NIMA Internal Branding Internal Branding is een relatief nieuw vakgebied waarin mens en merk zich sterken aan een inspirerend merkkompas. Welkom bij NIMA Internal Branding. De community die ontwikkelingen op dit relatief nieuwe vakgebied nauwlettend volgt én promoot. Our best practices are for free Als dank voor je interesse krijg je …

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Why CMOs have ‘very little time’ to do marketing Alva van Beek

Top marketers say they are too busy running a business to spend their whole time on communications. As marketers rise through the ranks to become chief marketing officers they stop doing marketing, according to the former CMO at Homebase Jo Kendrick. Speaking at IAB’s Engage conference in London today (13 October) Kendrick told delegates that …

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A third of brands expect to be hiring marketers over the next 3 months Alva van Beek

The quarterly IPA Bellwether Report reveals for the first time that marketers are feeling confident enough to hire despite ongoing uncertainty over Brexit and what it will mean for the UK economy. Marketers are feeling confident about employment opportunities despite concerns over economic growth following the vote to leave the European Union. For the first time …

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Mark Ritson: Is content marketing a load of bollocks? Alva van Beek

The emergence of content marketing as a separate discipline has distracted marketers from their real job of communicating with customers and selling stuff. When I was about 12 I had a very good friend who lived a few doors down called Richard. One day he came up to me after school and very excitedly announced …

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Blijvende merkschade voor Samsung door ontploffende smartphones? Alva van Beek

De Your Thoughts van deze maand. (NIMA ism Tijdschrift voor marketing) Samsung stopte begin september met de verkoop van de nieuwe Galaxy Note 7 vanwege brandgevaar in de batterij (krantenkoppen: ‘Samsung Note 7 explodes setting Jeep on fire’, ‘Galaxy Note 7 ontploft in handen van zesjarige’) en riep gebruikers op het toestel direct uit te …

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2017 Marketing Salary Guide: Pay Forecasts for Brand and Agency Positions Alva van Beek

The average starting salary for marketing and advertising jobs is expected to increase 3.6% in 2017, according to recent research from The Creative Group. The Creative Group 2017 Salary Guide was based on data from North American staffing and recruiting professionals who make thousands of full-time, temporary, and project placements each year. The researchers determined …

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E-commerce drives retail experience Alva van Beek

E-commerce continues to change consumers’ expectations of the retail experience, as businesses like Amazon raise the bar in terms of service and delivery and put pressure on marketers to deliver across multiple paths to purchase in both the digital and physical worlds. Writing in the current issue of Admap, Lucie Green, worldwide director of the …

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‘Content is goed, maar contact is beter’ Alva van Beek

“Je rechterhersenhelft beslist en je linker maakt er een verhaaltje bij dat logisch lijkt”. Dit zei de beroemde hersenwetenschapper Dick Swaab recent in een interview met NRC. Het is een quote die mooi samenvat hoe wij mensen de wereld om ons heen waarnemen en interpreteren. Ook wie commercieel resultaat wil boeken moet die rechterhersenhelft dus …

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