Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.
Executives from Facebook, Google and Amazon discuss their strategies for measuring conversions across all marketing channels. As the number of channels have increased, so too has the desire to grow all-channel marketing. All-channel marketing involves marketing across digital and real-life touchpoints—in-store retail, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches—in a cohesive way. Marketers are now trying to figure out how …
Door Jim van Iperen* Ben je bezig met de uitvoer van een contentmarketingstrategie maar niet tevreden over het rendement? Dan ben je nu in de contentoptimalisatiefase terecht gekomen. De fase waar je het rendement van je geleverde inspanningen kunt gaan maximaliseren. Een fase die niet zo sexy is als het produceren van de content zelf. Het optimaliseren speelt …
I have noticed a serious disconnect in businesses today. There is no “us” anymore, no connection between one department and another. Oh, sure, you may have the best team-management platform, and have task-setting and in-team communication down to an art. But is every member of your team regardless of department working with all you have provided …
The ‘Coalition for Better Ads’ aims to take on the “Herculanean task” of bringing together advertisers, agencies, ad tech and publishers to come up with global standards on digital advertising to tackle the rise of ad blocking. Google, Unilever and Procter & Gamble are among brands that have signed up to a new global coalition …
Veel imago-onderzoeken maken gebruik van surveys om inzicht te krijgen in specifieke merkpercepties zoals milieuvriendelijk, luxueus, voedzaam, stoer et cetera. Deze onderzoeksmethode is veelal tijdrovend en duur, saai voor de respondent die de survey invult en daarbovenop zijn de resultaten vaak snel verouderd. Een nieuwe methode brengt hier verandering in. Het voert kostenefficiënt, geautomatiseerd en …
Marketers have called on social media influencers to provide more robust metrics as ISBA rolls out a new contract to help brands work more effectively with them. Last week, ISBA attempted to standardise the industry’s previously “hotchpotch” approach to formalising relationships between vloggers and brands by launching a new contract for its members to use as a …
The beauty of questions in developing your marketing plans Door Arthur Simonetti * “One of the great skills of a marketer should be the drawing of a matrix: a 2-axis diagram allowing you to plot every market opportunity, product and competitor, so that ALL dynamics and issues can be explained.” At least, this is the …
Marketers need to focus more on consumer behaviour rather than segmenting people simply by generation, according to two new studies. Marketers need to move beyond demographic data and “lazy” terms such as ‘millennial’ when creating customer segmentations, new research claims. Two separate studies find that patterns of behaviour and attitudes are more appropriate tools for targeting consumers …
Companies need to start treating job candidates like customers if they want to attract the best workers, according to research by LinkedIn. UK businesses are missing out on hiring the best talent because of a disconnect between marketing and HR that is leading to a failure to promote a company’s values or purpose. According to …