Nieuws over marketing

Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.

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Survey of UK marketers shows 81% are planning to leave post in the next 3 years de Redactie

The rise of short-termism, as outlined by a recent IPA report, is not only having an impact on creativity and long-term brand building, it could also be affecting the length of time a marketer stays in any given role. Short-term marketing tactics are increasingly taking precedence over long-term brand building, and whether it’s a symptom or …

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What the next generation can teach marketers about social media de Redactie

By the age of 11 children today are already well versed in how to use social media but what they use it for and how they communicate is not the same as adults. Ahead of their panel discussion at the Festival of Marketing, three kids share their views on brand experiences, peer-to-peer marketing and what …

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Five Things That Marketing Leaders Do to Inspire Deeper Customer Engagement de Redactie

Client engagement is an essential part of any successful client retention strategy. The concept of engagement can be applied to consumer brands, but it is even more crucial in business relationships for long-term success. Then why is customer engagement so difficult to plan and execute? In a surprising number of cases, client engagement isn’t rational …

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Zijn de grote FCMG-bedrijven ‘kind of fucked’? de Redactie

De ‘Your Thoughts’ van deze maand. The Economist schreef in juli dat de grote FMCG-fabrikanten in de problemen komen. Lokale rivalen snoepen marktaandeel af, en het lukt ze niet meer om adequaat te reageren op de razendsnel veranderende consumententrends. Een directielid is er tegen The Economist openhartig over: ‘We’re kind of fucked.’ Veelbelovende startups opkopen De …

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Hoe kunstmatige intelligentie marketeers kan helpen de Redactie

Een interview met Cees Snoek, professor in computerwetenschappen.   Tekst: Klaas Weima Cees Snoek, associate professor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam houdt zich bezig met beeldherkenning door computers. Blippar, de partij die het Nederlandse Layar overnam, liet professor Cees Snoek in Cannes afgelopen juni een verhaal houden over artificial intelligence (AI). Technologiereuzen als Apple, IBM, …

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Outdated marketing team structures are hampering brands’ chances of achieving a single customer view de Redactie

Companies of all sizes see achieving a single customer view as a top priority, but their efforts are being thwarted by outdated organisational silos that split marketers by channel, not customer, new research finds. Achieving a single customer view is a goal for companies across every sector, as brands push towards delivering a seamless, personalised experience. The ability …

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‘Curiosity, understanding and empathy the key traits of a successful marketer’ de Redactie

The marketers of tomorrow will need to be curious, understand consumers and be willing to learn from ‘people better than them’ if they want to have successful careers in the industry according to top marketers. The tools marketers have to reach people might be changing, but the core business of marketing is still the same …

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How to turn marketing into a revenue generator de Redactie

Marketing is often viewed as an expense rather than a revenue generator, but now savvy brands are creating content operations to deliver new sources of direct income, as well as brand awareness. At brands such as PepsiCo, Mondelēz International and MasterCard, perceptions of marketing are starting to shift from being a cost centre to a revenue generator. Traditionally, …

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Marketing meets MVO | Tomaten moet je dorstig houden de Redactie

“Tomaten die weinig water krijgen, worden lekkerder”, zegt Noortje Goethals, brandmanager bij Knorr. “Lekkerder en duurzamer. Daarom gaan onze tomatenkwekers slim om met water.” Vanaf 2010 werkt Unilever achter de schermen hard aan verduurzaming. Per product hebben ze de productieketen doorgelicht om te weten waar het grootste verschil gemaakt kon worden. Vanaf dit jaar begint …

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