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Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.

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Client/agency relationships ‘hit a roadblock’ as digital agencies fail to keep pace with brand expectations Alva van Beek

The relationship between clients and their digital agency partners is deteriorating as a skillset gap and confusion over clients’ priorities harm the dynamic. Even agencies that are experimenting with new types of relationships such as alternative compensation models or embedded resources were not particularly bullish. Just 55% of those agencies thought the dynamic was improving, compared …

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Global marketing activity steady Alva van Beek

  Global marketing activity continued to grow at a steady rate in May according to the latest Global Marketing Index (GMI). The headline Global Marketing Index remained unchanged from April on 55.1 and represented the continuation of a year-long trend where a flat global index has hidden disparate regional performances. Activity has been strongest in Europe …

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Adobe’s global CMO on what it takes to forge a career in technology marketing Alva van Beek

Ann Lewnes, executive vice-president and CMO at Adobe, shares the moments that have shaped her career and led to her heading up marketing at a company that made $4.8bn (£3.3bn) in sales last year. What advice would you give to marketers looking to progress in their career? Look for companies where a pivot is about to happen …

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Why brands are applying the principles of psychology to design Alva van Beek

Marketers are increasingly tapping into the power of psychology to improve the impact of design and give their brands the cutting edge. There is more to design than meets the eye. In order to stand out in an increasingly crowded marketplace, brands including Heinz, Oxo and the RAF are applying the principles of psychology and using neuroscience …

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Is Twitter’s move to simplify 140-character tweet rules good or bad for brands? Alva van Beek

Twitter is making various changes to Tweets in a bid to “simplify” its product, allowing users to express themselves with more room in 140-character Tweets. While the changes might seem like a welcome development, experts say they won’t improve Twitter’s position in the long run. The changes, which will be rolled out globally over the …

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[onderzoek] ‘Visuele content krijgt 94% meer views dan content zonder relevant beeldmateriaal’ Alva van Beek

Marketingmanagers verwachten de komende jaren meer uit te geven aan visuele content. Met name video en grafisch ontwerp zijn populaire investeringen. Dat blijkt uit internationaal onderzoek van communicatiebureau Lewis. Twee op de drie marketingmanagers (66%) verwacht dat het budget voor visuele content volgend jaar stijgt. Slechts 3% wil hier minder aan uitgeven, de resterende 31% …

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Five Modes of Persuasion You Need in Your Marketing Campaigns Alva van Beek

Marketing is all about persuasion. Of course, you could argue that some of the most successful brands of all time—Coca-Cola or Nike, say—got to where they are not by convincing people that their products were the best but by simply making their name more visible. However, even visibility is a persuasive event: For example, seeing …

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How to Build Buyer Personas That Build Sales Alva van Beek

Michelangelo famously claimed that when he sculpted, he simply removed the extraneous. He didn’t so much create human forms as liberate them. He wasn’t imposing his vision on slabs of stone; he was revealing the figures within. What if we adopted this mindset with personas? What if, instead of creating personas from our imaginations, we …

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BT’s CMO: ‘Communication that makes people feel is more powerful’ Alva van Beek

Al-Qassab is chief brand and marketing officer at BT and part of the Power 100 list of the UK’s most influential marketers. Having spent 20 years of his career at Procter & Gamble, latterly as managing director of its beauty business, Al-Qassab then made the move to the start-up world in 2014, spending a year …

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