Nieuws over marketing

Het commerciële domein omvat de vakgebieden marketing, sales en communicatie. Media zijn our middle name en er wordt dan ook veel gepubliceerd door vakgenoten en over de vakgebieden. Hieronder vind je verschillende publicaties geschreven door en voor NIMA Members, maar ook nieuws over marketing, publicaties van NIMA zelf en bijdragen van onze mediapartners.

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Wat is de rol van de CMO in 2020? Alva van Beek

De opkomst van nieuwe technologieën, disruptieve modellen en consorten zorgen ervoor dat ook bepaalde functietitels een andere invulling krijgen. Zo ook de rol van de Chief Marketing Officer, die binnen een aanzienlijke periode wordt onderworpen aan een omwenteling van formaat. Maar welke rol zal de CMO precies hebben volgend jaar, en de jaren nadien? Wij …

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Europe online adspend tops TV Alva van Beek

  Online advertising expenditure in Europe has passed that on television for the first time, according to new data from IAB Europe. The trade organisation’s annual AdEx Benchmark research, released yesterday at its Interact conference in Lisbon, showed that over the past decade there has been a €30bn net addition to the online ad market. …

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The top five challenges marketers face: Alva van Beek

I acknowledge: finding, learning about, and integrating new marketing technologies is a challenge for marketers today. But as a new report from Wrike shows — How Marketers Get Things Done: The State of Agile Marketing in 2016 — it’s not the top challenge. It’s fifth. And a good ways below the top challenge. The top …

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What marketers can learn from getting closer to sales Alva van Beek

With more big brands moving their marketing and sales departments closer together in a bid to become more agile, marketers will need to talk the talk as well as walk the walk if they want to take on the commercial side of the business. Last week, Mars revealed an internal shake-up in its management team. …

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What can marketers learn from the sciences? Quite a lot Alva van Beek

  Gord Hotchkiss has been one of my sources of professional inspiration for over a decade. One of the pioneers of the search marketing industry, Gord has always had a special talent for blending marketing savvy with broader social and scienfitic thinking in the face of disruptive technologies. He’s masterful at putting the quirks of …

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Peter Sonke (KPN): “Creativiteit en user experience zijn net zo belangrijk als data” Alva van Beek

KPN is de winnaar van een oriëntatie-onderzoek van WUA! naar het afsluiten van een mobiel abonnement voor de telefoon. Het verschil met Vodafone was vijf punten, er gaat dus wat goed in Den Haag aan het Maanplein. Een gesprek met Peter Sonke, verantwoordelijk voor online sales bij KPN, over strakke flows, feedback vanuit het zwembad, de …

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Marketing activity grows rapidly Alva van Beek

  Global marketing budgets increased for the 38th month in succession in April with all regions covered in the latest Global Marketing Index (GMI) recording growth. The Global GMI registered a score of 55.1, which signals steady growth over the month when set against the benchmark of 50.0 that indicates no change. As in previous months, …

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Ruth Mortimer: Marketers – let’s confront the problems with scale Alva van Beek

You’ll recognise these as words from a classic brand management course. Actually, I’m lying. These are the words of Vox Media and The Verge co-founder Josh Topolsky in his excellent recent essay ‘Your Media Business Will Not Be Saved’, posted on Medium. Topolsky is writing specifically about the media business but his words have value …

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When it comes to supermarket promotions, marketers must be the voice of the consumer Alva van Beek

  Supermarkets are seen as one of the most authentic sectors – but must be relentlessly customer-focused to maintain this, says Chris Daly, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Businesses and brands caught up in consumer promotion scandals do not sit well with modern customers who will easily turn their backs. Yesterday’s news from …

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