Last year Marketing Week explored what digital transformation really means for businesses from a practical perspective. Now brands are on their way to making those changes, marketers need to understand the new challenges arising as a result and how to address them.

Keeping up with the pace of change in the industry is one thing, but when it comes to digital transformation there are other factors marketers must consider to stay ahead of the curve.

The digital skills gap and the ever-growing chasm between the needs of employees of different generations, customer expectations, in-house skills versus third-party providers, the technology stack and legacy structures are just some of the things giving marketers a digital headache.

READ MORE: What does ‘digital transformation’ really mean?

In-house skills versus external experts

One of the hottest topics for debate is whether businesses are best off bringing expertise into a business or training existing staff up versus outsourcing.

“While I wouldn’t like to see digital expertise in silo, there is a need to bring expertise in from the outside world, according to Antonia McCahon, global digital

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