Seven SMS Best-Practices and Tips for Marketers

As with any marketing tactic, there are good, bad, and really bad ways to use SMS (short messaging service), too, for marketing.

So here are some expert tips and best-practices to help you avoid pitfalls and guide you on the path to the right way to do SMS marketing.

1. Consent is critical

Every blog post, e-book, and whitepaper about SMS marketing starts with this absolutely critical step: Get fully informed consent from people signing up for your messages.

Ensure customers know that messaging rates may apply; also tell them…

  • How often you’ll be sending messages (how many times a day, and whether the frequency can be changed)
  • When you’ll be sending messages (time of day)
  • What kinds of content you’ll be sending (and whether they can choose different content)
  • How to opt out from receiving messagesBron en volledig bericht: MarketingProfs