Why the CMO’s future role is ‘growth partner’, not marketer

Many marketers cite ‘speaking the language of the C-suite’ to be a major challenge for the discipline, especially in an era of shrinking budgets. McKinsey research published in 2019 by ANA Magazine found a link between CMOs who can build relationships within the C-suite and the growth of their organizations. It also found that 27% of CMOs surveyed fell into the Loner archetype, who tend to focus on near-term activities, like ad campaigns and social media, and are seen by CEOs as executors of brand stewardship, advertising, and PR, not as equal partners.

But the Chief Marketing Officer is uniquely positioned to be the CEO’s go-to growth partner. More than driving return on investment from marketing activity, today’s CMO is helping the entire company reach full growth potential by delivering exceptional brand value at every opportunity.

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