Data science draait om klanten, niet om cijfers

Hoe populair data science ook is, veel bedrijven weten niet waar ze moeten beginnen. Data wordt daardoor nogal eens een doel en eigen waarheid op zich. Vier experts delen hun ervaringen én adviezen. Bedrijven zouden zich niet te veel moeten blindstaren op data. Die conclusie werd onlangs getrokken op IMPACT live, een evenement waar experts in data science ervaringen uitwisselen en lessen uit de praktijk delen. Neem de klant en het business vraagstuk als vertrekpunt en gebruik data om de oplossing te vinden, zo luidde het advies van deze community in wording.

Lees dit artikel op Marketingfacts

Marketers must avoid the risk of ‘over datafication’

Marketing has undoubtedly entered a new age of accountability. Today, the effect of every piece of creative can be measured, quantified and optimised, allowing marketers to course correct campaigns in real time.

Never before has marketing been better able to demonstrate its return on investment and explain how its activity is positively impacting on the bottom line, evidence that is helping marketers gain a seat at the top table.

However, is this new age of accountability all it’s cracked up to be? Are marketers slowing themselves down by consulting every possible data source before making a decision? Could they be tempted to opt for easily measurable “safe” campaigns rather than more challenging, innovation projects that might not always be supported by firm numbers?

Lees dit artikel op Marketingweek

Data-driven marketing and advertising grows

As marketers everywhere accept that data is now essential to their work, they are spending more on data-driven marketing and advertising (DDMA) and getting better at evaluating its effectiveness, a new study says.

The Global Review of Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising from the GDMA trade body was based on an online survey of 3,283 thought leaders in the advertising, marketing, media and technology industries in 18 countries, .

This reported that eight in ten regarded customer data as being critical to their marketing and advertising efforts.

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