Heeft de digitale marketingrevolutie werkelijk iets opgeleverd?

Het internet kwam met een simpele belofte: gratis en transparante informatie voor iedereen. Als we iets willen weten, gebruiken we een zoekmachine, in Nederland is dat vrijwel altijd Google. Rondom dat zoek- en vindmodel is een enorme industrie ontstaan die leeft van het helpen van bedrijven om zo goed mogelijk gevonden te worden. Ontsluiten van informatie is echter niet het businessmodel van…

Bron en volledig bericht: Marketingfacts (blogpost Tadek Solarz)

Six Digital Marketing Trends to Budget for Today

Considering the rapid pace of change in the digital marketing world, knowing what trends to pay attention to can be tricky.

Luckily, the team at MDG Advertising has put together an infographic illustrating the six main areas on which marketers should focus. Here are some highlights from the ad agency’s infographic:

• Data cleansing and quality should be a focus for any brand that has made an effort to collect data: 60% of enterprise workers are not confident in their firm’s data-quality management—yet 95% of those workers expect the data volume to increase over the next year.

Bron en volledig bericht: MarketingProfs

NIMA Member PauwR neemt Eddit over


Sinds 1 april 2017 maakt contentmarketingbureau Eddit uit Eindhoven deel uit van NIMA Business Member PauwR Digital Marketing uit Tilburg. PauwR voegt hierdoor contentmarketing en leadkwalificatie toe aan zijn dienstenpakket op het gebied van digital marketing. Beide oprichters zeggen zeer verheugd te zijn met de overname die volgens hen aanzienlijke voordelen biedt voor hun klanten en partners.

Alle medewerkers en klanten van Eddit zijn mee-overgegaan naar het bureau uit Tilburg, dat ook een kantoor heeft in Amsterdam. De naam Eddit verdwijnt. Eddit-oprichter Ron Groot heeft daar vrede mee: ‘Wij zijn de laatste jaren getransformeerd van specialist in sales en acquisitie tot contentmarketingbureau. Daarbij merkten we dat onze klanten veel meer vragen hadden op het gebied van online marketing. Om deze kennis organisch op te bouwen zou te lang duren, vandaar dat we aansluiting hebben gezocht bij PauwR, waarmee we al samenwerkten.’ Op 20 juni is PauwR een van de sponsors van de NIMA Marketing Day.

Door de overname groeit het aantal medewerkers van PauwR naar 29, waaronder maar vier Senior Marketing Professionals (SMP-ers). Zij bedienen klanten als Whirlpool, Voetbal International, Melitta, Nationale Opera en Terre des Hommes met verschillende digital-marketingdiensten. Contentmarketing ontbrak daar nog aan. Pieter Voogt is oprichter van PauwR en trots op de overname: ‘Ons doel is om impact te maken voor onze klanten. Dat kunnen we nog beter als we ze ook kunnen voorzien van SEO-content, whitepapers, e-mailmarketing, marketing automation en ook het opzetten van chatbots. We hebben nu een contentteam met veel ervaring dat deze zaken voortvarend kan oppakken.’ Beide oprichters kwamen eind 2016 in gesprek over een mogelijke overname. Ron Groot blijft als Business Developer aan PauwR verbonden. Eddit-klanten als Noordhoff Health, Saasen Groep en Connexie hebben aangegeven uit te kijken naar de ‘extra power’ die de nieuwe combinatie vanaf nu kan leveren. Klanten en partners van PauwR zullen binnenkort kennismaken met de nieuwe diensten.

BT and RBS on why marketers should kill off the word ‘digital’

BT’s top marketer has called for marketers to stop using the word ‘digital’. Speaking on a Marketing Society panel at Advertising Week Europe yesterday (22 March), its chief brand and marketing officer Zaid Al-Qassab claimed that by prioritising digital, marketers only weaken their advertising and chase all the wrong metrics.

“We need to stop saying the word digital. When marketing was growing in the first half of the 20th century, particularly around print, we didn’t call them paper marketers did we? The word just has nothing to do with consumers,” he explained.

“Inside a corporation, the word digital drives people to look at all the wrong metrics such as cost-per-click and likes. They over-invest in digital and forget their message.”

Bron en volledig bericht: MarketingWeek

Seven SMS Best-Practices and Tips for Marketers

As with any marketing tactic, there are good, bad, and really bad ways to use SMS (short messaging service), too, for marketing.

So here are some expert tips and best-practices to help you avoid pitfalls and guide you on the path to the right way to do SMS marketing.

1. Consent is critical

Every blog post, e-book, and whitepaper about SMS marketing starts with this absolutely critical step: Get fully informed consent from people signing up for your messages.

Ensure customers know that messaging rates may apply; also tell them…

  • How often you’ll be sending messages (how many times a day, and whether the frequency can be changed)
  • When you’ll be sending messages (time of day)
  • What kinds of content you’ll be sending (and whether they can choose different content)
  • How to opt out from receiving messagesBron en volledig bericht: MarketingProfs


Google under fire as brands pull advertising and ad industry demands action


French media group Havas has pulled all its spend from Google and YouTube. Its UK CEO Paul Frampton says: “We have a duty of care to our clients in the UK marketplace to position their brands in the right context where we can be assured that that environment is safe, regulated to the degree necessary and additive to their brands’ objectives.

“Our position will remain until we are confident in the YouTube platform and Google Display Network’s ability to deliver the standards we and our clients expect.”

GroupM, WPP’s media agency says it has no plans to follow suit. A spokesperson says: “Digital advertising on platforms where content is user-generated and not curated has inherent brand safety risks. GroupM vigorously pursues every brand safety precaution and technology available to mitigate these risks, and we encourage all clients to make use of these tools.

“At the highest levels, we have communicated with Google, Facebook, Snapchat and other partners to encourage their development of solutions. However, a 100% foolproof system may not be possible. It’s important that brands know this and proceed with caution – as well as with available safety tools.”

Google had admitted it could be doing more to ensure ad safety

Bron en volledig bericht: Marketingweek

Positive mood boosts digital advertising

Advertisers able to reach consumers when they’re in the right mood could increase the impact of digital advertising by as much as 40%, according to new research.

Yahoo’s Receptivity of Emotions study was based on quantitative research among 600 people aged 16-54 in the US and UK who used a custom-developed smartphone app to complete a week-long survey, and qualitative research involving 12 in-depth, two-hour interviews in New York and London along with further 15 minute surveys with 1,000 people each in the UK, US, Germany and Canada.

This examined consumers’ emotional states and how receptive they were to advertising throughout the day and found that US and UK consumers were ‘upbeat’ 46% of the time – the most common mood and one which was most likely to be encountered around lunchtime (between 11am and 2pm).

Bron en volledig bericht: Warc

A guide for mid-career informational interviews for marketing technologists

This guest post by Erica Seidel is part of a regular column she writes, Ask the Martech Recruiter. Erica runs The Connective Good, a retained executive recruiting firm that helps companies land leaders in martech, marketing, digital strategy, analytics, and market research.

Dear Erica,

I have 10 years of digital marketing experience and want to switch to a pure martech role. I have reached out to a few people to ask for informational interviews. But few have gotten back to me. And isn’t informational interviewing more for people who are starting out in their careers, anyway?

Ella, New Jersey

Dear Ella,

So you’re no longer the young college grad eagerly soaking up insights from the more experienced people who love to give a leg up to the next generation. But informational conversations in mid-career are alive and well too!

And there is now one thing in your favor you didn’t have 10 years ago:

Lees verder op Chiefmartec

Skipping ads is an ingrained habit

Around two-thirds (65%) of consumers skip video ads and they do so as soon as they get the chance, according to new research, which also revealed that three-quarters (76%) say they skip ads because it is ingrained behaviour.

That is according to IPG Mediabrands’ Magna and Media Lab units, which conducted a media trial involving more than 11,300 consumers recruited from a representative online panel.

Bron en volledig bericht: Warc