What does CRM mean in the customer experience age?

Marketers’ relentless focus on customer experience has pushed customer relationship management (CRM) into the background. At its most basic level, CRM is a customer database but it should be the glue that holds everything to do with the customer journey together. So before embarking on a mission to overhaul the customer experience with shiny new things like chatbots and augmented reality marketers have got to get the basics right and that means getting legacy technology like customer relationship management fit for purpose.

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How to Craft an Email Newsletter That Gets Marketing Results

You thought email newsletters were a marketing tool of the past? Replaced by social media? Think again. Newsletters can be highly effective—much more so than social media—especially for B2B audiences. So don’t leave them out of your media mix.

Why do newsletters still work?

Social media is passive. Even if your audience members do visit a social platform, they may or may not see your posts, especially at the rate messages fly by. Email, however, is more active. Everyone checks email, and the reader must actively choose to ignore, delete, or open your message.

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‘Effectiviteit van e-mail als marketingkanaal blijft stabiel’

De nieuwe editie van de jaarlijkse Nationale E-mail Benchmark is gepubliceerd. Met een dataset van maar liefst 4,5 miljard verstuurde e-mails in 2017, in 177.000 campagnes door bijna 3.000 bedrijven, biedt het onderzoek inzicht in de effectiviteit van het kanaal e-mail. Wat zijn de belangrijkste trends? Wat is het beste verzendmoment? En wat doet campagneomvang en -frequentie met de resultaten?

De confirmed open ratio (COR) laat al jaren een positieve trend zien van 35,2 procent in 2015 naar 38 procent in 2017. Het feit dat er steeds meer e-mailclients zijn die afbeeldingen direct weergeven – wat ten goede komt aan de conversie – draagt ongetwijfeld bij aan deze toename.

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Most global consumers are data pragmatists

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force last Friday and, with so much attention focused on how companies make use of personal data, a new global survey has found that most consumers take a pragmatic approach to the issue.

According to the Global Alliance of Data-Driven Marketing Associations (GDMA), at least half (51%) of consumers across ten global markets are what it describes as “data pragmatists”.

These are people who are happy to share their personal data with businesses on a case-by-case basis and as long as there are clear benefits for them in doing so.

However, their number varies across the markets surveyed, ranging from just 39% in the Netherlands and 40% in Germany to almost three-in-five in Spain (59%), the US (58%) and Singapore (57%).

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GDPR is goed, blockchain is beter

In marketing en sales zijn twee elementen essentieel: aandacht en vertrouwen. Aandacht van klanten is steeds lastiger te krijgen, en klanten vragen zich op hun beurt af of bedrijven nog wel te vertrouwen zijn met hun gegevens. Waarom zouden anders grootschalige GDPR-acties nodig zijn? Er is een oplossing: door ontwikkelingen op het gebied van blockchain kunnen klanten steeds beter het heft in eigen hand nemen voor de controle en bescherming van hun data.

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Advertising’s uncanny valley: The personalisation tightrope

The recent Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal is a prime example of this – data being skimmed from users who were unaware and without their permission – but this is a symptom of a wider problem. Witness Alexa’s cackle and the ongoing paranoia that the likes of Amazon and Google are listening in on our conversations. There’s an entire thread on Reddit dedicated just to this . We’ve reached this ‘uncanny valley’ point, and we’re starting to make people uncomfortable, particularly large swathes of the general public who don’t know how their data is used by the advertising industry.

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Email marketing is undergoing something of a “rebirth”

Email marketing may not be seen as the most exciting channel – it is often referred to as a little tired and uninspiring – but nevertheless it remains central to many brands’ communications strategies. And while some predicted its demise a few years ago when social media became increasingly dominant, its death is by no means imminent.

In fact, thanks to the arrival of new technologies, which are making it “more interesting and engaging”, email is experiencing something of a revival, according to Saul Lopes, customer lifecycle lead at Virgin Holidays.

Lees verder op Marketingweek

De ultieme checklist voor de GDPR

Nu 2018 begonnen is, komt de deadline echt dichtbij. Vanaf 25 mei moeten alle organisaties zich houden aan de nieuwe privacywetgeving: de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG / GDPR). Deze wet vervangt de huidige Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens en stelt strengere eisen aan de manier waarop persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt. Voor deel 10 van deze blogserie hebben wij als legal counsels van brancheorganisatie DDMA een ultieme AVG-checklist opgesteld met de 10 belangrijkste punten.

Lees deze blogpost van DDMA op Marketingfacts


Pritchard: mass one-to-one marketing is coming

Procter & Gamble is planning to increase investment in what Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer, calls one-to-one marketing at scale.

In an exclusive interview with WARC, Pritchard said he was encouraged by the progress on media transparency made by the digital industry during 2017 as he reported that all P&G’s agencies now have transparent contracts “because we’ve really gone through every one of them”. (WARC subscribers can read the full interview in WARC’s Toolkit 2018.)

He also welcomed the steps made by the major tech brands to improve viewability metrics and to open themselves up to third-party measurement.

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