Your 2018 Marketing Plan Won’t Work and Will Break the Law: The Threat Posed by GDPR

Marketing departments may not realize the seismic impact a new regulation will have on their plans for 2018. And if they don’t begin planning today, CMOs may discover that after May 25, 2018, their teams will not be able to execute campaigns and activities in the way they used to—at least not without facing the risk of legal action against their companies resulting in dramatic penalties and brand damage.

Bron en volledig bericht: MarketingProfs

‘64% van de bedrijven nog niet klaar voor nieuwe privacywet’

Nederlandse bedrijven beseffen dat de nieuwe Europese privacywet (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming) veel impact gaat hebben op de eigen bedrijfsvoering, maar slechts 36 procent is op schema met de voorbereiding op deze nieuwe Europese privacywet. Dat ontdekte de DDMA, de brancheorganisatie voor data en marketing, die onderzoek deed onder 75 Nederlandse ondernemingen.

De Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG, ook wel bekend onder de Engelse afkorting GDPR) gaat 25 mei 2018 in. Uit het DDM-onderzoek blijkt

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Holiday Email Marketing Trends and Tips for 2017 From the Experts

There’s still plenty of autumn left, but you can already feel the holiday season approaching.

And while you might think that you still have plenty of time to launch your holiday email marketing campaign, the truth is that the time to prepare is now—at least if you want to get the most of this holiday season.

So, to help you out, we have compiled some of the best holiday email marketing tips from the experts that will help you make this year’s holiday the best yet!

Lees verder op Marketingprofs

Data-driven marketing and advertising grows

As marketers everywhere accept that data is now essential to their work, they are spending more on data-driven marketing and advertising (DDMA) and getting better at evaluating its effectiveness, a new study says.

The Global Review of Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising from the GDMA trade body was based on an online survey of 3,283 thought leaders in the advertising, marketing, media and technology industries in 18 countries, .

This reported that eight in ten regarded customer data as being critical to their marketing and advertising efforts.

Bron en volledig bericht: Warc