Holiday Email Marketing Trends and Tips for 2017 From the Experts

There’s still plenty of autumn left, but you can already feel the holiday season approaching.

And while you might think that you still have plenty of time to launch your holiday email marketing campaign, the truth is that the time to prepare is now—at least if you want to get the most of this holiday season.

So, to help you out, we have compiled some of the best holiday email marketing tips from the experts that will help you make this year’s holiday the best yet!

Lees verder op Marketingprofs

‘Bedrijven laten aanpassingen voor privacywet te lang liggen’

Bedrijven zijn volgens experts in paniek over de invoering van de Europese privacywet. Volgend jaar mei moeten onder andere webwinkels zich hebben aangepast aan de nieuwe wet, maar het blijkt dat veel ondernemingen de zaak hebben onderschat.

De Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG) werd in april 2016 aangenomen, waarna alle ondernemingen die data opslaan twee jaar de tijd kregen om zich aan te passen. De AVG vervangt een bestaande Europese richtlijn uit 1995 en daarmee de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens. Niet aangepast betekent forse boetes van de Europese waakhond.


‘Veel te veel bedrijven zijn te laat wakker geworden’, zegt Patrick Van Eecke, partner in advocatenkantoor DLA Piper, nu tegen het Financieele Dagblad. Ze beseffen nu pas dat het niet gaat om “eventjes de privacy policy op de website aanpassen”.

Lees verder op Twinkle

How Direct Mail Is Winning in the Age of the Internet

Contrary to popular belief, advertisers will be using direct mail marketing even more in the future,” says an infographic released by the Experian Data Quality group.

If you’re wondering how that can be possible, consider these stats noted in the infographic:

• Some 70% of Americans say physical mail is “more personal” than email.

• Neiman Marcus says it makes four dollars for every one dollar it spends on creating and mailing catalogs.

• The USPS found that customers who receive ad mail spend 28% more than those who don’t

If you’re thinking of exploring direct mail, or if you just want to see some of the benefits and challenges of the practice, check out the infographic. Tap or click on it to view a larger version.

Bron en volledig bericht: Marketingprofs

Email marketing lacks relevance

Nearly all marketers regard email as important to their work, but fewer than one in ten believe all their emails to customers are relevant, according to a new study.

The Marketer email tracker 2017 report from the DMA, sponsored by dotmailer, found that two in five (42%) marketers said that at best ‘some’ of their emails were relevant to consumers – a clear disconnect between what marketers want to achieve and what they actually produce.

The research also revealed that both marketers and consumers agree that ’trust’ is a leading factor in persuading someone to sign up to receive emails from a brand.

Bron en volledig bericht: Warc