[blog] Schaarste op de arbeidsmarkt bestaat niet

‘De krapte op dit moment maakt dat alles uit de kast wordt gehaald om goede mensen te krijgen’

Heb je dat ook? Maandenlang zoeken naar een nieuwe collega en dan nog niet de goede gevonden? Hoe krijg je jouw vacature gevuld in je marketingteam? Vind maar eens iemand met de benodigde digital skills. Zonder goede mensen kom je niet ver. ‘Great vision without great people is irrelevant’; een quote van Jim Collins, de auteur van het managementboek Good to Great. Voor elke manager is het momenteel een uitdaging want de krapte op de arbeidsmarkt van marketing is groot. Het Centraal Plan Bureau meldt dat de werkloosheid onder de beroepsbevolking maar 4% is in 2022.

Vorige week was er vanuit NIMA een netwerkbijeenkomst met een aantal CMO’s bij Schaal X (specialist in bemiddeling in marketing en communicatie) om de facts & figures van de arbeidsmarkt door te nemen. Met als doel onderling kennis te delen en te bespreken wat we eraan kunnen doen. Daarvoor zullen we onze hersens wat meer in de ‘omdenk’-modus moeten zetten. Want is het schaarste? Of moeten we anders gaan denken?

Laten we maar eens starten met de facts & figures.

Dit artikel is geschreven Kirsten Andres directeur NIMA door en verscheen eerder op

Marketers fear remote working will ‘compromise’ their brands during coronavirus crisis

Media voor marketeers
More than two-thirds (68%) of UK marketers believe their organisation could be compromised by the need to work remotely amid the coronavirus pandemic.

An exclusive survey of 2,249 UK brand marketers conducted by Marketing Week and its sister title Econsultancy, finds that remote working has been somewhat rare or rare until recently among 43% of marketers. However, 64% believe it will become somewhat or very common over the next two quarters.

Amid the shift, marketers have genuine concerns about how their teams will manage working remotely during the COVID19 outbreak and the impact it could have on business. Almost a fifth (18%) of marketers believe their organisation would definitely be compromised if there is a significant increase in remote working.

Lees dit artikel op Marketingweek

Thomas Barta: Why marketers struggle in a rational world

Marketers are more emotional than many of their colleagues, which makes earning respect difficult, but they can gain influence by speaking the language of logic.

Can you ‘feel’ a brand? Can you ‘sense’ what customers want? Did you ever think ‘I’m different from the other people in my firm’? You may not be alone. Many marketers are more sensual, more emotional than their colleagues. And if you are, life in firms can be rather tricky – unless you know how to communicate.

You might know the story of Eros. He was the youngest god on ancient Greece’s Mount Olympus. Eros had one irresistible skill. He could make someone love anyone he wished by wounding them with one of his arrows. Eros’s unique powers made him popular in Greek mythology.

But Eros’s talent came with problems. The other gods saw Eros as something like a wild boy. What he did was often seen as weird. Eros also showed no respect for authority. That’s why, despite his unique skills, the other gods never considered Eros sufficiently responsible to play a full part in the ruling Olympian family. Does that sound familiar?

As part of our research for The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader, Patrick Barwise and I asked an Insead Business School psychologist to look at our data. It was a big file with profiles of over 1,000 CMOs from over 80 countries. When we met again, the first thing she said was: “Marketers are like Eros.”

Lees dit artikel op Marketingweek


Mark Ritson: It’s time to shut down digital marketing teams for good

The news that the Co-op Bank has disbanded ‘digital marketing’ should come as no surprise.

For several years senior marketers have been wearily signalling that the need to maintain a digital marketing team separate from the rest of the marketing group was disappearing. And the ultimate manifestation of that realignment, the merger of the digital and marketing teams into a single unit, has been happening across marketing departments with increasing frequency over the last 12 months.

The reason for that integration should be obvious. Despite the recurring use of the dreary D prefix it has become harder and harder to isolate exactly what isn’t digital any more.

Lees dit artikel op Marketingweek

The Most In-Demand Marketing Areas of Expertise by Employers

Most marketing leaders expect to expand their teams this year, with digital talent being the most in demand, according to recent research from McKinley Marketing Partners.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in October 2017 among 329 senior marketers who work for firms in a wide range of B2C and B2B verticals. Some 69% of respondents expect to expand their teams this year, and 28% expect their team size to remain the same. Only 3% of marketers expect their team size to shrink.

Digital talent is the most in demand, with 59% of respondents saying they want to hire digital marketing staff, and 43% of respondents say they want to hire creative services talent:

Lees verder op Marketingprof

Rob Beltman (H3ROES): “Marketeer, ken je plek!”


Marketeers zouden minder bezig moeten zijn met de marketing van de organisatie en meer met de organisatie van marketing.” Dit is een gevleugelde uitspraak van Rob Beltman (H3ROES), winnaar van de PIM Marketing Literatuurprijs 2017 met zijn boek ‘De marketingorganisatie van de toekomst’. Marketing is als vakgebied ontzettend breed en dynamisch geworden. In Arnhem betoogde hij deze week hoe marketeers beter hun plek vinden binnen de eigen organisatie.

Bij een avond met de titel ‘Marketeer, ken je plek’, verwacht ik een avondje marketing bashen. Dat kan ook vermakelijk zijn, maar daar komt Rob Beltman niet voor. Deze editie van Media Villa Arnhem had achteraf beter ‘Marketeer, ken je plek in de organisatie’ kunnen heten.

De meeste marketeers zijn doeners en schapen met vijf poten. Ze zijn bijna alleen maar bezig met het uitdragen van waarde naar buiten, zonder voldoende bezig te zijn met waarde organiseren, ontdekken of bewijzen.

Lees dit artikel op Marketingfacts