These Six Nonprofit Strategies Will Supercharge Your For-Profit Business

Nonprofits, by definition, aren’t driven by the need to generate quarterly or yearly surpluses like for-profits, or to keep stock prices up, but they do have to pay the bills and, ideally, bank money if they’re to have a vibrant future.

Many nonprofits must keep diverse revenue streams healthy: earned income from sales of products and services; contributed income from individual donors, foundations, the government, and corporations; and funds generated through sponsorships and partnerships.

To be successful in each (and all) of those endeavors, nonprofits have had to develop approaches and skills that for-profits can learn from to improve their competitive position, their customer relations, and their long-term health and value.

Bron en volledig bericht: Marketingprofs

The era of price promotions is over

One of the biggest and strangest reversals in recent marketing history is taking place, unnoticed by most, in the supermarket aisles of the UK. In these fantastical days of Trump, Brexit and ad fraud, this statement might strike you as somewhat odd. But trust me, what’s going on with price promotions right now is worthy of your significant attention. Well at least a column’s worth.

For the past decade, British supermarkets have been engaged in a spectacular amount of promotional activity. The two great barometers of grocery buying, Nielsen’s Homescan and IRI’s Infoscan, disagree on the proportion of supermarket purchases that are made while the product is being offered on some form of promotional offer. Nielsen estimated that over the last 10 years the figure rose to around a third of all purchases while IRI had the number reaching around half of all supermarket sales. But both firms agree that this figure has risen consistently throughout the 21st century in the UK and that British consumers buy far more promotional items than any of their European cousins.

Bron en volledig bericht: MarketingWeek

‘Most brands can learn nothing from Apple and Nike’

have a confession to make. A heresy that I can probably only say under cover of the Secret Marketer name, and one that will ensure I get burned at the stake. Or, perhaps, the 21st-century equivalent, trolled on Twitter.

Most of us marketers should ignore what the top brands are doing. Apple, Google, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Toyota, IBM, Samsung, Amazon, McDonald’s and GE (Interbrand’s top 10) are irrelevant. They’re the marketing equivalent of the 1%, not the 99% that most of us work in. These mythical brands are not role models, however much we admire what they do.

Bron en volledig bericht: Marketingweek

Dit worden de tien thema’s van de NIMA Marketing Day

Op dinsdag 20 juni 2017 organiseert NIMA voor de eerste maal in zijn geschiedenis de NIMA Marketing Day, waarop álle ruim 3.500 bij NIMA aangesloten professionals welkom zijn. Het nieuwe evenement vindt plaats in de Fabrique in Utrecht en wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met BBP Media. Verwacht worden tussen 1200 en 1400 marketeers.

Deze week zijn de tien thema’s bekend geworden die het framework vormen voor de NMD. De tien zijn gekozen op basis van overleg met NIMA Events & Classes: De onderwerpen waarover de meeste vraag bestaat (bij NIMA Members) om verdieping en verbreding van kennis zijn geclusterd. Per verticle zullen verspreid over de dag op één locatie of één zaal op het Fabrique-terrein vijf presentaties worden gegeven.

You learn – you return
Belangrijkste onderliggende thema van de NIMA Marketing Day is ‘persoonlijke ontwikkeling in marketing, communicatie en sales’, belicht in de breedste zin van het woord. Via deze tien ‘verticles’ die alle een thema dragen dat aansluit bij de marketingtrends en ontwikkelingen van nú, komen spraakmakende marketeers ‘met hun poten in de modder’ aan het woord. En alleen zij: Grote merken met grote uitdagingen die veel hebben geleerd, en dus veel om te delen. NIMA staat voor ‘You learn, you earn, you return’ dus het programma komt tot stand in samenwerking met de hele NIMA-organisatie.

Op 7 februari zal eenmalig een NIMA Marketing Day Adviesraad bijeen komen waar iedereen mag meedenken en brainstormen over de presentaties, mensen en merken die deze dag gestalte gaan geven. Belangstellenden kunnen daarvoor contact opnemen met luuk.ros(at) Ook wie niet aanwezig kan zijn op 7 februari, maar wel goede plannen heeft met betrekking tot de invulling is van harte welkom.De Tien (met voorbeelden van ‘richtingen’ in uitwerking):

The Customer (Customer Journey, Jongeren/Ouderen, new markets, segmenteren 2.0, Customer Insights Management)

The Story (Contentmarketing, Story Telling, Copy Writing, Video, Conversation Management)

The Brand (Positioneren, Branding, Merkenmanagement, Brand Design, Brand Guides, Identity)

The You (Personal Branding, presentatietechnieken, permanente educatie, arbeidsmobiliteit etc)

The Manager (New Marketing Management, multidisciplinaire teams, inclusive leadership, strategic management, hr)

The Academy (Education Partner-track, proeflessen, stoomcursussen, permanente educatie, A, B, C)

The Design (Design Thinking, Persuasion Design, Product Design, Marketingdesign, Online Design & Usability, Packaging)

The Weird (Marketing is dood, alles is marketing, marketing is communicatie, verleiders en misleiders, paradijsvogels)

The Tools (Martech, CRM, Data, Personaliseren, bots & AI, VR)

The Media (Multi Channel, Owned & Earned, Paid, personalisatie in media, verdiende aandacht)

Inschrijven voor de NIMA Marketing Day kan vanaf 1 maart. Niet-members zijn van harte welkom. Volg @nimamd voor updates.

Study: Majority Of People More Loyal To Brands That Care About Them

Put aside engagement, site visits, and app downloads for a second. Companies, instead, should focus on generating “wantedness,” according to a new study by Wunderman.

Here’s the context: Traditionally, loyalty has been measured based on consumers’ affinity to a particular brand. Wunderman’s study, “Wantedness,” reverses that concept, maintaining that brands must use data and technology to prove they care and can commit to earning their customers’ business. The notion of wantedness can be defined as the degree to which a brand demonstrates such a commitment across every consumer touch point.

“The big takeaway was how much people want brands to make them feel special,” said Jamie Gutfreund, global CMO at Wunderman. “The majority [79%] of consumers said that brands have to actually demonstrate that they understand and care about me before they are going to consider purchasing.”

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Digital Fluidity – No Line on the Horizon

Silicon Valley, zuid
Our world is in a state of constant disarray. Let’s not blame it on Trump, Putin or Farage. It is the incessant influx of digital innovations that leaves us flabbergasted each time we view the technology section of The Financial Times.

The weekly flood of digital gimmicks makes us believe we are living in a gadget economy. Robert Gordon argues in The Rise and Fall of American Growth that the multitude of innovations we are witnessing today do not measure up against the breakthrough innovations of the past. That discussion misses the point entirely,

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Prof. dr. Rudy Moenaert is Academic Director van het TIAS Executive Master of Marketing programma (Tilburg)