Five Content-Led Marketing Campaigns That Drive Results

In today’s competitive marketplace, consumers are empowered to drive a hard bargain. Your audience knows how to get the best price, so it’s easy to get scared into thinking that a shrewd discount strategy is the only tactic that delivers results.

That is not the case. An attractive offer might make the perfect incentive to join your mailing list, but an email marketing strategy that’s consistently offer-led can be damaging to your business.

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Wat betekent Google’s laatste update voor je vindbaarheid?

Google kondigde aan dat er een verandering onderweg is voor de meting van het referral verkeer voor je website. Google gaat verkeer dat afkomstig is vanuit Google Images, een specifieke URL meegeven. Dit betekent dat website-eigenaren in de toekomst makkelijker kunnen zien of en welke bezoekers via Google Images de website binnenkomen.

Google wil hiermee meer focus leggen op visuele content. Het internet is constant in beweging en de transitie van tekst naar video heeft al grote impact gehad op websites over de hele wereld.

Daarbij is de populariteit van Instagram, Snapchat en Pinterest te linken aan de door de gebruiker snel te consumeren content. Visuele content. Dit is wat Google al een tijdje probeert bij te houden. Google probeert namelijk al jaren meer te zijn dan een tekstueel lijstje met linkjes naar verschillende websites. Zo rolde de zoekgigant de afgelopen jaren meer rich snippets uit en heeft Google begin dit jaar zijn AMP Stories geintroduceerd.

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(Marketingfacts is een gezamenlijke onderneming van NIMA en BBP Media)

Vijf manieren om Instagram optimaal in te zetten

De hetze rond Facebook heeft gezorgd voor een versnelde verschuiving van Facebook-gebruikers naar andere social media, zoals Instagram. Dit is een trend die we de afgelopen jaren al waarnamen, maar die door de recente ontwikkelingen in een stroomversnelling terecht is gekomen. Er wordt zelfs gespeculeerd dat de teloorgang van Facebook bewust in scène is gezet om het publiek naar Instagram, tevens onderdeel van Facebook, te bewegen. Op dit moment is Instagram het snelst groeiende sociale netwerk ter wereld. Als marketeer of brandmanager wil je natuurlijk daar zijn waar alle buzz is. Vijf manieren om dat slim te doen.

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Big brands call for reform of digital ad market or threaten to pull spend

Brands including P&G, Unilever and Mastercard are calling for the industry to come together and agree to eight principles that they believe will help clean up the digital ad ecosystem. The world’s top advertisers are calling for the industry to come together to reform the digital ad ecosystem to make it safer, more transparent and more consumer friendly, and are threatening to stop working with any company that doesn’t comply.

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Marketeer, deze innovaties van Google I/O 2018 moet je kennen

Google stelde niet teleur op zijn jaarlijkse I/O-conferentie voor ontwikkelaars afgelopen week. Spraakmakend was onder meer het moment dat topman Sundar Pichai liet zien hoe Google Assistent zelfstandig de kapper kon bellen voor een afspraak. Dit was de eerste keer in lange tijd dat ik echt onder de indruk was van een Google-event, vooral door de vele praktische demo’s rondom AI die werden gepresenteerd. Uit de enorme hoeveelheid aankondigingen heb ik een selectie gemaakt waar elke online marketeer van op de hoogte moet zijn.

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Used properly, programmatic delivers

Despite recent controversies around programmatic – surfacing ads next to inappropriate content, for example – best-practice examples show how it can be used effectively, according to a new WARC report.

The 2018 Media Strategy Report is based on an analysis of the shortlisted entries to the 2017 WARC Media Awards. This found programmatic de rigueur in many of the entries – a point of difference from the inaugural 2016 WARC Media Awards where it was still regarded as an exception rather than the rule.

A campaign such as Rogue One’s Everything but Rogue with Data, promoting Disney’s second film in the Lucasfilms Star Wars franchise, showed just how sophisticated programmatic has become.

This gold-winning Best Use of Data campaign saw 80% of investment delivered to addressable audiences, generating a personalised communication strategy at scale.

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Email marketing is undergoing something of a “rebirth”

Email marketing may not be seen as the most exciting channel – it is often referred to as a little tired and uninspiring – but nevertheless it remains central to many brands’ communications strategies. And while some predicted its demise a few years ago when social media became increasingly dominant, its death is by no means imminent.

In fact, thanks to the arrival of new technologies, which are making it “more interesting and engaging”, email is experiencing something of a revival, according to Saul Lopes, customer lifecycle lead at Virgin Holidays.

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EMC-rapport: ‘Can rewarded engagement lead to more loyalty?’

Professor Yolanda Jordaan Head of Department of Marketing Management at University of Pretoria deed onderzoek naar de inzet en het gebruik van social media om brand engagement te verhogen. De European Marketing Confederation, koepel van Europese marketing-beroepsverenigingen waarbij NIMA is aangesloten, publiceerde een rapport met haar bevindingen:

Many companies implement loyalty programmes to create a competitive advantage and increase the share-of-wallet with their customers.
However, most have realised that loyalty programmes alone do not guarantee loyal customers, and that there is a big difference between belonging to a loyalty programme, and actively participating in a loyalty programme. This makes it important to know what customers really want out of a loyalty programme. To explore this further, a recent study (2017) looked at a new approach to increase consumers’ use and perceptions of brands and their loyalty programmes, by not only rewarding their transactions, but also their social media engagement with the brand.

The authors analysed five types of social media engagement: participation in a quiz; in a competition; in a game; posting a travel review; and liking or commenting on the current posts on a Facebook group.
The members that engaged on the Facebook group were rewarded for their participation through loyalty points (indirect monetary reward) or a free train journey (direct non-monetary reward).

Spotify is ramping up its advertising opportunities: Here’s what you need to know

Today Spotify will embark on one of the most hotly anticipated initial public offerings (IPOs) since Twitter went public in 2013 and Snapchat started selling shares back in 2017.

The Swedish streaming service has taken an unconventional approach, opting for a direct listing which circumvents the cost of an IPO by simply enabling existing shares to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

The chance to buy shares in Spotify is likely to prove extremely popular with investors. Globally the streaming service has amassed 71 million premium subscribers, up 46% year on year, and 157 million active users, an increase of 28% since 2016.

The average customer spends 25 hours a month streaming music on Spotify. Spanning 65 markets, Spotify’s audience has, to date, created two billion playlists from a library of more than 35 million songs.

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