The eight types of marketing mind

As a marketer, you probably spend much of your day thinking about segments of customers, but have you ever wondered which segment of marketers you fit into? According to Marketing Week’s groundbreaking research, marketers divide into eight different psychometric personas.

As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations this year, we commissioned researchers at CrowdCat to conduct a major three-part study of our audience, revealing the three key psychological dimensions that determine how marketers work and the content they consume, from which the personas were subsequently derived.

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Ehrenberg-Bass dispels some myths about big brands

Big brands are not dying, brand loyalty to them is stable and younger consumers are not rejecting them, according to research from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute.

Writing in the current issue of Admap, Byron Sharp, director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, and his colleagues Magda Nenycz-Thiel, James Martin, Zac Anesbury and Bruce McColl, address some of the myths that have arisen around big brands in an age of digital disruption.

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