EMC-rapport: ‘Can rewarded engagement lead to more loyalty?’

Professor Yolanda Jordaan Head of Department of Marketing Management at University of Pretoria deed onderzoek naar de inzet en het gebruik van social media om brand engagement te verhogen. De European Marketing Confederation, koepel van Europese marketing-beroepsverenigingen waarbij NIMA is aangesloten, publiceerde een rapport met haar bevindingen:

Many companies implement loyalty programmes to create a competitive advantage and increase the share-of-wallet with their customers.
However, most have realised that loyalty programmes alone do not guarantee loyal customers, and that there is a big difference between belonging to a loyalty programme, and actively participating in a loyalty programme. This makes it important to know what customers really want out of a loyalty programme. To explore this further, a recent study (2017) looked at a new approach to increase consumers’ use and perceptions of brands and their loyalty programmes, by not only rewarding their transactions, but also their social media engagement with the brand.

The authors analysed five types of social media engagement: participation in a quiz; in a competition; in a game; posting a travel review; and liking or commenting on the current posts on a Facebook group.
The members that engaged on the Facebook group were rewarded for their participation through loyalty points (indirect monetary reward) or a free train journey (direct non-monetary reward).

Welke strategieën zijn er voor corporate branding op social media?

Wat zijn de strategieën die bedrijven kunnen inzetten bij het vertalen van hun corporate branding naar social media? Die vraag stond op 6 februari centraal bij de presentatie van de 75e SWOCC-publicatie Corporate branding en consumenten op social media. In de UvA presenteerde universitair docent Theo Araujo zijn bevindingen. Daarna volgden twee praktijkcases: Jeroen van de Ven presenteerde de nieuwe social media-strategie van ABN Amro en Stefan Bothoff sprak over de strategie van joint venture VodafoneZiggo.

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Stichting Reclame Code (RCC) herschrijft Reclamecode Social Media

De Reclamecode Social Media uit 2014 geeft regels en handvatten (zoals het gebruik van #spon en #adv) voor herkenbaarheid van reclame via alle social media, waaronder Facebook, Instagram en YouTube.

Eind vorig jaar is de evaluatie van deze reclamecode van start gegaan. Aan de hand van een vragenlijst die is gestuurd aan de achterban van onder andere DDMA, BVA en MMA is onderzocht in hoeverre de huidige code wordt toegepast en aansluit bij de praktijk.

Herkenbaar reclame
Aan de hand van de resultaten van dit vooronderzoek zal een nieuwe versie van de code worden geschreven, die in een speciale werkgroep van praktijkdeskundigen zal worden besproken. RCC: ‘De algemene hoofdregel die al sinds jaar en dag in de Nederlandse Reclame Code staat, namelijk dat reclame altijd duidelijk herkenbaar moet zijn, ongeacht welk platform wordt gebruikt, is daarbij leidend.’

Lees verder op Marketingonline

In social, your brand needs to be the ‘cute kitten’

Brands have a stark choice when creating a social strategy – create something that stakeholders approve but which is unlikely to make an impact or take a risk and produce work that makes people sit up and take notice, a senior Heineken executive believes.

“Going for great – that’s the only way to win in the long term,” according to Quinn Kilbury, Senior Brand Director, Heineken USA, and chair of the judging panel for the Effective Social Strategy category in this year’s WARC Awards.

Lees verder op Warc



Five Ways Your Own Employees Can Boost Your Marketing Content

Imagine you just invested a lot of time and resources in your next content masterpiece. You did third-party research, interviewed industry experts, carefully crafted the copy with your target persona in mind, and pulled out all the stops to design a visually compelling piece.

You then released it into the wild through all your Web and social channels and sat back, waiting for it to become the next viral sensation.

But then the unthinkable happened: No one shared it (gasp!).

What happened?

Lees verder op marketingprofs

Half of digital time is spent in smartphone apps

Smartphone apps account for half (50%) of the digital media time that US adults spend online, followed by desktop (34%), with tablet and mobile web rounding out the remaining 16%, a new study has found.

But in a sign of just how much younger consumers have embraced mobile, the latest US Mobile App Report from measurement firm comScore, found two-thirds (66%) of those aged 18 to 24 now spend their digital time in smartphone apps compared with just 23% who spend their time on desktop.

Meanwhile, just 27% of Americans aged 65+ spend their digital time in smartphone apps, with more than half (53%) preferring desktop. Even among millennials aged 25 to 34, smartphone apps account for little over half (54%) of their share of platform time.

According to analysis of the findings by Marketing Land, this data contains “clear audience targeting implications” along with comScore’s finding that the “duopoly” of Facebook and Google own as many as eight of the top ten apps in the US.

Facebook’s main app is the most popular, reaching 81% of all app users – although YouTube is the top app among 18-to-24-year-olds – while Facebook Messenger and Instagram come in at third and sixth respectively.

Google-owned apps account for five of the top ten apps, including YouTube (#2), Google Search (#3), Google Maps (#4), Google Play (#8) and Gmail (#9).

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Onderzoek: het gebruik van internet en social media in Nederland

Het actieve gebruik van Facebook loopt terug, Nederlanders kijken gemiddeld 40 minuten per dag naar YouTube en babyboomers zorgen voor groei. Dat blijkt uit het onderzoek ‘What’s Happening Online’ dat al 10 jaar wordt uitgevoerd door Ruigrok NetPanel. Dat levert een doorsnede van het internet- en sociale mediagebruik van de Nederlandse samenleving op. Ik zet de meest opvallende zaken als het gaat om social media, online video en e-commerce voor je op een rij in 9 grafieken en een heleboel statistiekjes.

Lees het volledige artikel op Marketingfacts

Why Guest Blogging is The Best Inbound Marketing Strategy (A Data Driven Answer)

Is guest blogging the best inbound marketing strategy?

Answer: Yes.

But don’t take my word for it. Let me show you how guest blogging has transformed startups and improved businesses.

Millions of blogs are ready to accept a helpful and in-depth guest article. No matter how knowledgeable a blogger you are, readers may not take you seriously if you go about it all by yourself.

Download a PDF version of this post to get to know why guest blogging is the best inbound marketing strategy.

In fact, data from Social Marketing Writing found that “62.96% of people perceive blogs with multiple authors to be more credible.”

You want authority, qualified traffic, relevant links, motivated leads and sales in your business. Well, guest blogging can give you all of these and so much more.

Bron en volledig bericht: Neil Patel

Stop boosting all your content on social

Go to any brand’s social page today, chances are its flooded with content. While creating content is no doubt healthy for a brand’s overall organic growth, too much paid content can be a bad thing.

“Its very difficult for marketers, when they create content, to decide which content will yield the highest return on investment,” said Moses Velasco, chief product evangelist of Socialbakers. But one thing is for sure – by no means, should you be boosting all of your content.

“When we started to do deep research on paid content on Facebook, we saw a high percentage of content being invested in, which actually shouldn’t be invested in, because it didn’t yield high return. We saw this increase in pay to play scenario where marketers just thought more is better and promote everything to get the result you want,” he said.

This is one of the biggest mistakes marketers today are making, he added.

Today, a lot of brands have 100% paid strategy but this is not right. What brand marketers should be trying to achieve is a nice split between healthy organic reach and paid activity to accomplish objectives.

Bron en volledig bericht: Marketing Interactive